Empowering refugees

Empowering refugees

The Global Challenge of Migration

Migration is an ancient yet pressing global challenge, with over 250 million people living outside their countries of origin. This vast movement of people impacts both developing and developed nations, highlighting the urgent need for effective solutions. Notably, about half of all migrants are women, most of reproductive age, making this issue even more critical.

In regions like Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, and Uganda, the influx of refugees and internally displaced persons is substantial. By the end of 2021, Rwanda alone hosted over 127,000 refugees, primarily from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, with 76% being women and children. These refugees often find themselves moving from camp to camp, unable to settle and build stable lives due to ongoing cycles of violence.


A Cup for Humanity’s Commitment

Humanitarian and Holistic Approaches ACfH addresses migration issues through both humanitarian aid and a holistic approach that emphasizes restoring dignity and hope among refugees. We provide psychoeducation to the most vulnerable refugee victims of war and genocide, helping them become resilient and productive members of society.

Training Leaders We train church leaders among migrant and refugee populations, preparing them to be a blessing in foreign lands. This initiative fosters spiritual and community leadership, which is crucial for the well-being and integration of refugees in their new environments.


Impact of Our Work

Empowering Women and Children Given that 76% of refugees in Rwanda are women and children, ACfH focuses on their specific needs, providing education, mental health support, and community-building activities. This targeted support helps break the cycle of displacement and instability, offering hope and a path to a brighter future.

Building Resilient Communities Our programs create resilient communities capable of contributing positively to society. By addressing immediate and long-term needs, ACfH helps refugees not only survive but thrive, becoming active, contributing members of their new communities.

Creating Global Citizens Strengthening refugees prepares them to be missionaries and global citizens. Through migration, these individuals move to new places with the aim of being blessings and cross-border social players. Our work ensures they are well-prepared to fulfill these roles, fostering international understanding and cooperation.


Ongoing Initiatives

On-the-Ground Support
In 2020, ACfH visited a refugee camp in Rwanda, establishing connections and providing support. We have also engaged with specialized psycho trauma doctors in the Netherlands, expanding our reach and impact.


Looking Ahead

A Cup for Humanity is committed to transforming the lives of migrants and refugees through comprehensive support that includes humanitarian aid, mental health services, and community empowerment. By focusing on education, resilience, and dignity, we aim to turn the challenges of migration into opportunities for growth and positive change. Our vision is a future where refugees are not just survivors but thriving, contributing members of global society.

Migration remains a complex global challenge, but through our dedicated efforts, A Cup for Humanity aims to make a significant impact. By empowering refugees, fostering resilient communities, and preparing global citizens, we strive to create a world where migration leads to growth, understanding, and a shared future of peace and prosperity. Together, we can turn the challenges of migration into opportunities for a better world.


Photo credit AP/Siegfried Modola