Stichting A Cup for Humanity

Merelstraat 26 2675 VR Honselersdijk, Nederland

KvK 73798614

IBAN NL68 INGB 0009 3041 03

RSIN 8596.67.911  


ACfH is a leading non-governmental organization founded in the Netherlands in 2019. It has the mission to develop peaceful and prosperous communities by supporting social cohesion, supporting victims of war and genocide, and promoting unity, reconciliation, and empowerment of refugees. It is our passion to provide an alternative to the culture of violence by planting seeds of peace, forming ideologies, and preparing the future generation to live in harmony and dignity.

Membership of the board and function
Our foundation has 3 board members:
– Aad van den Bos; president of the foundation;
– Jannetta Bos;board member

– Paul Mutama Sebasaza; general member and director of the foundation. Based in Rwanda, he is coordinating activities in the field.
The board is responsible for the daily policy. The 3 board members have equal suffrage, as defined in the notarial deed of the foundation.

Remuneration policies
We are mainly working with volunteers. Our board members and volunteers don’t receive any compensation for their work. Eventual expenses could be compensated. Our foundation employs 1 director, he is a local man and he does work related to the goal of the foundation. He will be paid according to the minimum wage, related to the local circumstances.

Policy Plan

A Cup for Humanity is a premier non-government organization that was born as a response to the vicious cycle of violent conflicts in the eastern Congo. It is our passion is to provide an alternative to the culture of violence by planting the seeds of peace, unity, and reconciliation, shaping ideologies and preparing future generations to live in harmony and dignity.
Our goal is to develop a nonviolent generation in Eastern Congo. At the heart of our model for breaking cycles of violence is reconciliation and community healing through education sponsorship, and empowering refugees. This will give hope for the future for the victims of war and genocide as well as those living in poverty and to share the freedom that is found in Christ

    We exist to serve mostly victims of war, genocide and other human rights abuses such as sexual violence among others. Beyond that, our activities will target refugees and internally displaced people. Our approach is holistic, for it will integrate the activities within the whole social strata so that we may not leave any loophole through which dividing victimisation as well as exclusionary ideologies could profit and emerge.
    Rwanda has experienced a genocide that has claimed about 1,000,000 lives. In just 100 days in 1994, about a million people were massacred in Rwanda. The genocide targeted both members of the Tutsi community and moderate Hutus. Neighbors killed neighbors and some husbands even killed their Tutsi wives, saying they would be killed if they refused. In addition to human losses, the genocide devastated the country’s economy and destroyed its social fabric. The mass involvement of people is beyond common sense. Even priests and nuns have been convicted of killing people, including some who sought shelter in churches. The question is: how could such a culture of violence and destruction arise in the first place and why did people adopt it with over-eagerness and what is the role of the church in providing new alternatives to violence? Without denying the contribution of other stakeholders in answering this question, it is clear that this question raises an existential need to educate society and reform ideologies.

After the genocide was stopped by the RPF (Rwanda Patriotic Front) Inkotanyi and as the country embarks on the path of reconstruction and development, the contribution for other stakeholders is critical. Survivors of genocide must be supported, communities must be healed, refugees must be empowered, and the young generation must be educated and prepared as peaceful citizens of tomorrow.

Rwanda remains one of the safest countries in the world, according to a new Gallup Global Law and Order report. The report ranked Rwanda 11th globally and 2nd in Africa, with more than 87 percent of citizens saying they feel safe and confident in the security organs. The country provides a safe environment for work.

Rwanda is located in the heart of Africa. It offers wide benefits for reaching other countries in the region, such as Congo, Burundi, Uganda, and Kenya.

    Our head office is in the Netherlands and that is the location where the foundation is managed: Adelaarshorst 6, Merelstraat 26 2675 VR Honselersdijk, Nederland  
    Email address: or 

The foundation has an official Board of three people who perform the three main tasks, namely Aad Van Den Bos – Chairman, Petra Van Dijk – Secretary and Treasurer, Paul Mutama Sebasaza- a general board member and director. He is living in Rwanda and he is in charge of the daily state of affairs.
The board is responsible for the daily policy. All 3 board members have equal suffrage, as defined in the notarial deed of the foundation. It is the task of the Board to hold Board meetings at least three times a year. This is usually done via Skype or conference call. The secretary of the board, or the person designated by either, writes the minutes.
Our policy focuses on three major pillars, namely peace education with a focus on reconciliation and community healing, helping survivors of genocide and empowering refugees/ displaced persons.  In the future, we will establish a center for reconciliation and community healing in Rwanda that will serve as a beacon of peace in the region and beyond. 8.ACTIVITY CALENDAR. Several projects and activities are already in motion. This year we are focusing on reconciliation programs as well as empowering refugees.
The income of our foundation will be created by gifts and donations from donors, churches, companies, and project-based.
A Cup for Humanity will use these donations and gifts for at least 90% to the general purpose of the foundation in Rwanda. Our foundation doesn’t have a profit.